Kek Gulung Batik

Kek Gulung or Swiss Rolls are very common to all of us. It's easy to find at most of the bakery stores. There are a few versions in swiss roll making but I found that this one is the simplest and easiest. So I gave it a try. I've always believed that if we want to try new recipes for the first time we should go for the simplest one first before we try the more complicated ones. The recipe that I attached use strawberry jam as the filling but I use whipping cream instead. You may use any kind of fillings of your choice - jams, chocolate spread, whipping cream or buttercream.

mine is not so comey....hehehe, but boleh laa...

Kek Gulung Batik (credits to ahpek of this forum )


6 biji telur gred A @ B (egg)
4oz or 100g gula castor (castor sugar)
1 sudu teh baking powder
1 sudu teh esen vanilla
1 sudu bsr ovelet (cake stabilizer)
3oz or 75g tepung gandum (all purpose flour, sifted)
1 sudu bsr susu tepung (powdered milk)
4oz or 100g mentega cair (melted butter)
sedikit coklat emulco atau apa2 pewarna (chocolate emulco or any food coloring)
jem strawberri secukupnya atau krim atau pun chocolate spread

note: if you wonder what is ovalette and how it looks like, here's a picture of it.

"Hi, my name is Ovalette..."


- Telur, gula, ovelet, baking powder,esen vanilla,tepung gandum dan susu tpg dipukul dgn kelajuan maksima sehingga gebu (5-7minit)

- Masukkan mentega cair, kemudian kacau rata.

-Asingkan sebahagian drpd adunan tadi (lebih kurang 1 1/4 cwn) ke dalam bekas lain,kemudian masukkan coklat emulco.Kacau rata kemudian masukkan adunan coklat ini ke dalam piping bag

- Tuangkan adunan tadi ke dalam loyang kemudian ratakan permukaannya.

- Paipkan adunan coklat td di atas adunan yg diratakan dlm loyang

- Lorekkan/corakkan dgn menggunakan lidi dari atas ke bawah.

- Bakar dlm oven selama 20minit dgn suhu 170darjah celcius.

- Apabila kek sudah masak terbalikkan ke atas sekiping kertas kemudian sapukan jem sehingga rata.

- Setelah jem disapu rata,gulung kek tadi perlahan2 sehingga kemas.


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