My Vanilla Cupcakes
I've noticed that cupcakes is a new trend lately. Everybody is crazy about cupcakes and t hey are even sold online ! And I'm not excluded...hehehe. I have been thinking of baking my own cuppies. This cuppies things are really conquering my mind since because I think about it all the time. Even when I was breastfeeding Aina I kept thinking of all the patterns and designs that I'd like to put on my cupcakes if I ever baked them. So at last my cupcakes project are finally ON. These are my vanilla cupcakes with buttercream frosting.
Vanilla Cupcakes
Ingredients :
- 1 1/2 cawan tepung naik sendiri (self raising flour) - if tader boleh guner tepung biasa dan campur dgn 1 sudu kecil baking powder
- 1 1/4 cawan tepung gandum (all purpose flour)
- 1 cawan (2 sticks) butter-suhu bilik
- 2 cawan gula (sugar)
- 4 telur saiz A (eggs)
- 1 cawan susu segar (fresh milk ,but I used evaporated milk - susu cair)
- 1 sudu teh esen vanilla
Method :
- Panaskan oven pada suhu 180'C
- campurkan kedua2 tepung, ayak dan ketepikan.
- pukul butter bersama gula hingga gebu,kemudian masukkan telur sebiji2.
- masukkan esen – pukul – akhir baru masukkan tepung berselang seli dengan susu.
- masukkan dalam cawan kertas n bakar selama 20 minit pada suhu– 180'C
Ingredients :
250 krimwell
150 Shortening
1 table spoon full of milk (fresh or evaporated milk)
150 gula icing – ayak dulu
-pukul kriwell + shortening = pukul hingga gebu
- and then masukkan gula dan pukul lagi sehingga gebu.
- dan boleh la di campur dengan warna2 yg anda suker.